Due Diligence Swan Lake & Goldendale Pump Storage Projects

swan-lake-2.jpegPhoto credit Hydro Review Content DirectorsTyPlan was retained by E3CO to provide due diligence review of the Klamath Tribe concerns outlined in the environmental assessment for the proposed Swan Lake and Goldendale Pump Storage Projects.  Swan Lake is a 393-MW project in Klamath County, Oregon, that secured its 50-year Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) license in 2019. Goldendale is a 1,200-MW project in Klickitat County, Washington, that has an application filed with FERC in June 2020. Points discussed in relation to Indigenous rights and title concerns included the following specific technical studies:  

  • National Historic Preservation Act 
  • Wildlife Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Plan (WHREP)
  • Re-Vegetation and Noxious Weed Management Plan 
  • Avian Protection Plan 
  • Eagle Conservation Plan 
  • Sensitive Plant Survey Plan 

The findings confirmed that the proponent had undertaken adequate consultation, identified critical issues associated with Indigenous Rights and Title and formulated management plans to address stated concerns 

The projects were eventually purchased by Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP)  

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